Car Parking
Ashford Town Centre is set to expand by
around 3,500 new homes and 12,000 new jobs in the next 25 years and
the demand to travel to and from the town and use of parking
facilities will therefore need to be planned and accommodated
Three ways to provide additional parking are
Park and Shop
Parking provision close to the main shopping
areas. These car parks should provide high quality accessible
facilities for the disabled, with ‘shopmobility’ schemes served
from dedicated spaces.
Park and Walk
Parking facilities near the main approach
roads to the town centre but outside of the current Ring Road to
reduce circulating traffic flow. These car parks will be provided
with enhanced pedestrian facilities and quality public realm
improvements to make the short walk attractive.
Park and Ride
Three planned sites located on the edge of the
town close to key routes, served by frequent bus services to and
from the town centre, stations and Designer Outlet.
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