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Ecological Footprint

Ecological Footprint is a measure of resource use; it measures how much productive land and sea is needed to provide us with the energy, water and materials we use in our everyday lives

This is measured in global hectares or gha.

The world average ecological footprint in 2.2 global hectares while the amount of land available per person globally is 1.8 global hectares.

Currently the footprint can also be used to calculate the carbon emissions generated from the oil, coal and gas we burn, and it determines how much land is required to absorb our waste.

Footprints can be calculated at all scales; for a country, town, or region, right down to an individual.

Ashford's Ecological Footprint

Ashford has been the first growth area to measure the environmental impact of it’s growth plans using footprinting. Currently, if everyone in the world consumed resources in the same way we would need 3.3 planets.

  • The total Ecological Footprint per person in the UK is 5.45 global hectares (gha/person)
  • The available footprint across the planet is 1.8 gha per person
  • The South East has the highest footprint of all English regions at 6.07 gha/per person
  • Ashford specifically has a footprint of 5.99 gha/per person

Our recent study into Ashford’s footrpint by Stockholm Environment Institute in association with the World Wildlife Fund, has shown that planned policies will stabilise Ashford’s footprint by 2016 and lead to reductions in the longer term.

However, Ashford is committed to making further reductions to its ecological and carbon footprint.
For full details of SEI’s finding either download the Executive Summary or Full Report from the Document Library page.

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