Document Library
Welcome to the document library section of the website where you
can view background documents, studies, reports and presentations
on Ashford’s Future.
For recent publications, leaflets and other promotional material
visit the publications
Ashford’s Future Studies
This report sets out what public sector spending is needed to
deliver growth in Ashford was submitted to Government in January.
The report, prepared by the Ashford’s Future Delivery Board, was
submitted to H.M. Treasury as its response to the Government’s
Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR).
Master Plan
The Greater Ashford Development Framework sets out how Ashford
will grow up to 2031. The Masterplan sets out the key components
necessary to make Ashford a successful and sustainable town, in
particular how it can accommodate the required 31,000 homes and
necessary infrastructure to support them.
Download the strategic growth model for
Ashford in PDF format.
Local Development Framework
The findings of the Masterplan form part of Ashford Borough
Council’s Local Development Framework. The Local Development
Framework (LDF) is part of the new national planning policy system
which will replace the existing Local Plan system. The framework is
made up of a series of documents, including the Statement of
Community Involvement, Core Strategy and a number of Area Action
Plans which set out future development policy for the borough.
To view the Local Development Framework link to the Ashford Borough
Council website
Core Strategy
At the heart of the LDF is the Core Strategy. This document will
cover the overall strategy for the future development of the
borough until 2021, setting out broad locations proposed for
housing, retail and transport development.
To view the Core Strategy and background document link to
the Ashford Borough Council website
There are a number of other important documents related
to Ashford's growth which are available of the
Ashford Borough Council
Halcrow Overarching Report
A report produced by Halcrow in 2002 setting out the key
findings of capacity studies into Ashford's growth, (the report is
number 17).
To view the Halcrow Overarching Report link to the Ashford
Borough Council website.
Town Centre
Ashford Town Centre Development Framework (Urban
This report sets out the a more detailed proposed development
framework for the town centre that advises the Borough Council’s
LDF document – Ashford Town
Centre Area Action Plan.