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Transport Documents


Ashford Ring Road Leaflet 6, 359Kb PDF
Find out more about Shared Space and the latest progress on the Ring Road.

Ashford Ring Road Leaflet 5, 968 Kb PDF
This is the latest summary leaflet which talks about phase two of the scheme and includes information on works in Bank Street, Elwick Road and the Victoria Road junction. 

Ashford Ring Road Leaflet 4, 1.74 Mb PDF
This is the fourth summary leaflet which shows the details of the two-way switch over on the 1 July.

Ashford Ring Road Leaflet 3, 1.12Mb PDF
This is the third summary leaflet updating the progress being made on the project and useful information and contact details.

Ashford Ring Road Leaflet 2, 411kb PDF
This is the second summary leaflet updating the progress being made on the project and useful contact details and further information.

Ashford Ring Road Leaflet, 647Kb PDF
This summary leaflet gives an overview of the scheme, what to expect during the changes are taking place and useful contact details and further information.

Ashford Town Centre Development Framework (Urban Initiatives)
This report sets out the a more detailed proposed development framework for the town centre that advises the Borough Council’s LDF document – Ashford Town Centre Area Action Plan.

Ashford Area Transport Study (AATS) Towards a Transport Strategy
This report sets out the framework for a transport strategy for the Ashford Growth Area setting out proposals to maximise use of sustainable modes of travel. Please note the report pre-dates the latest Greater Ashford Development Framework report April 2005.

Ashford Transport Strategy November 2006, 3.52Mb PDF
The report sets out a proposed transport strategy for the Ashford Growth Area reflecting and supporting the latest Greater Ashford Development Framework report April 2005 and summarising the findings of a number of other studies and reports listed below. The report was approved by Kent County Council, as highway authority for Kent, in January 2006. For further information contact: Richard Stubbings Kent County Council 01622 221361

Ashford Highways and Traffic Study (AHTS), 3.23 Mb PDF
This report sets out the results of the highway modelling tests and options for highway improvements carried out to support the GADF Masterplan.

Town Centre Modelling Report, 6.08 MB PDF
This report sets out the results of a number of options for a scheme to transform Ashford’s Ring Road.

Ashford Parking Strategy, 761 Kb PDF
This draft report sets out the proposed Parking Strategy for the Ashford Growth Area reflecting and supporting the Town Centre Development Framework and Action Plan and including an implementation strategy for Park and Ride and new town centre parking provision.

Ashford Park and Ride Study, 630 Kb PDF
This report sets out the results of a study into the viability of a park and ride scheme for Ashford, including options for site location and design, potential usage and a draft business case analysis.

Ashford SMARTLINK Public Transport Scheme Report, 1.69 Mb PDF
This report sets out a summary of the work carried out to date on developing the SMARTLINK Bus Rapid Transit system to support the GADF Masterplan.

Movement and Linkages Strategy, 127Kb PDF
This report has been produced to support the proposed Town Centre Development Framework and informs the Borough Council's Town Centre Area Action Plan. Consultant - Malcolm Turner, Alan Baxter Associates 020 7250 1555