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Victoria Way

Victoria Way is a proposed new route to the south of the town centre to link the International Station at Beaver Road and the A28 Chart Road.

Its route will follow the existing Victoria Road to Cherry Court where a new road will be built to join the end of Leacon Road by Matalan at the Fairwood Industrial park.

To accommodate a population that is set to double in size over the next 20 years, Ashford town centre is being transformed to include improved shopping, living and business opportunities as well as new roads, cycle ways and pedestrian areas.

The new Victoria Way will allow the town to grow and develop to the south of the town centre and railway line and provide opportunities for new developments including shops, restaurants and cafes and new homes.


Victoria Way will be delivered in phases as development along the route takes place.

The initial phase includes the provision of a new road from Beaver Road to the A28 Chart Road, the introduction of a tree lined street and the creation of a new public square adjacent to the Victoria Road Primary school.

A planning application is likely to be submitted in summer 2009, with work anticipated to begin around spring 2010. This phase is due for completion in spring 2011.

For more information download a copy of the Victoria Way leaflet - 1.16 Mb PDF